Teach / Learn Anywhere

Frequently Asked Questions

The information provided in this FAQ is intentionally broad and may not address every issue or question that arise in a course. There may be exceptional situations that cannot be predicted. In these cases, reach out to your department staff, relevant Dean’s Office, Academic Advisor, instructor, or resources identified on the Teach Anywhere website, or the Office of the University Registrar for assistance. 

Thank you for your flexibility. Our shared goal is to continue to provide students with as much opportunity as possible to complete their coursework.

Teach Anywhere Office Hours

These are open office hours for faculty to meet with the CELT and ILC staff.  We will be holding consulting hours for you to drop in online and work with us directly on your course content. 
Resuming before the Fall 2021 Semester https://tulane.zoom.us/j/96516152817?pwd=bk5BS3FPd0hqSXNzZU1rZEhteVdCQT09 


What technologies are available to support instructors who are changing the delivery of their classes and class materials?

Information about tools and technologies can be found on the how to’s and collaboration tools section of the Teach Anywhere website. Email the Teach Anywhere team if help is needed identifying and implementing solutions for online course delivery. Additionally, the Teach Anywhere team can provide information about video/audio capture technologies to record class lectures and review sessions for students who are unable to attend in person.  

What technologies are available to facilitate remote engagement?

Information, including how to request help redesigning class activities, can be found at Best Practices. 

Should instructors accommodate students traveling home during scheduled class time?

Yes. Instructors should accommodate students who may be traveling home during the regularly scheduled class, as in some cases, the travel time may be unavoidable. Please see how to’s for exam guidance.

Should instructors do anything differently for students who have academic accommodations through the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility?

Instructors should continue to comply with academic accommodations authorized by the Goldman Center. Students with academic accommodations should provide instructors with a letter outlining requested accommodations and the Goldman Center will provide the student with a new letter to give to instructors. In some cases, Goldman Center may reach out directly to an instructor to let them know that a letter is forthcoming.

I am registered with the Goldman Center and receive accommodations in class/for testing.  How will these work if classes are held remotely?

Please contact the Goldman Center right away (goldman@tulane.edu or 504-862-8433) if you receive accommodations and think you may need help accessing your courses remotely.

The Goldman Center staff will work with Information Technology (IT) to help you access your online class materials. The means of access will depend on the design and content of your courses and on your individual needs. They could include, but are not limited to:

  • ASL interpreting/CART for synchronous online sessions
  • Captioning for pre-recorded course materials
  • Use of a lock-down browser for remote testing
  • Programming extra time for exams into the online testing platform
  • Use of an auxiliary aid, reader, scribe, or delivery of Braille materials 

My class is being held remotely, but my students are having trouble accessing technology to view the lecture – Who should they call?

If your technology is not functioning or broken, call the University Help Desk at (504) 862-8888 or submit a ticket at http://support.tulane.edu. If students don’t have access to technology they should contact their school dean’s office.

I’m feeling anxious. Who can I talk to?

We recognize the anxiety and emotional strain that these circumstances may place on all of us. Remember that Tulane’s student health plans offer comprehensive coverage for both physical and mental health care.

If you’d like to speak with a counselor or a case manager, contact CAPS  (https://campushealth.tulane.edu/caps) or the Office of Case Management and Victim Support Services (https://cmvss.tulane.edu or (504) 314-2160). For support 24/7, you can contact a Student Resources and Support Services Professional On-Call at (504) 920-9900.

I’m a faculty member and I am having trouble making my online course materials accessible.  Where can I go for help?

Visit the how to’s and tools section of the Teach Anywhere Toolkit for more information about available tools. If you have questions about the toolkit, or are experiencing technical difficulties related to your course instruction, you can contact the Teach Anywhere team via email at teachanywhere@tulane.edu.


Questions, Concerns, Suggestions

For questions, concerns, or suggestions about this guide, email the team at teachanywhere@tulane.edu.