Canvas LTI Request Form

To request the adoption of an LTI for Tulane’s Canvas environment, please submit the following form. Our integration team reviews the use of all existing plug-ins and external tools in Canvas in order to safeguard University data as well as to insure compliance with accessibility regulations. 

If you would like to suggest the addition of third-party tools to Canvas, please fill out the Canvas LTI request form linked below to request that it be added to our instance of Canvas.

Canvas LTI Integrations FAQ

What are external tools ?

Learning Tools Interoperability (or LTI) is a standard set of specifications allowing third-party applications to integrate within Canvas and other educational platforms. LTIs integrations are also referred to as third-party tools or external tools and they can enhance functionality that is not present within Canvas. in some cases, LTI integrations allow third-party applications to appear in the Canvas interface and menu navigation, while allowing the third-party to receive the student data it needs to properly function. In other cases, LTI integrations are used to provide authentication into a third-party resource or textbook plug-ins.

How do I request a new integration?

Canvas LTI integrations are requested through the Canvas LTI Request form. Requestors will need to provide an explanation of what the integration is used for, cost, vendor information and any relevant data being passed into the third-party (if applicable). 

What is the reviewing process ?

Each LTI request will be reviewed for several factors, including, but not limited to functionality, accessibility, security, FERPA, legal & cost. This information will be reviewed and approved by the integrations team. LTIs that duplicate existing services may not be approved and/or may require further justification for use. 

Why do we review requests for integrations ?

LTI integrations usually involve some transfer of data to the third-party provider of the integrated service. Because of the potential for data security risk, all LTI integrations have to be vetted and tested by the Integrations team, and possibly other entities including Information Security, the Registrar and other university sub-committees, before the integration can be installed. Student records retention policies need to be considered as well. In some cases, having LTI integrations installed at the course level can have larger unintended consequences, so the integrations team works with faculty and instructional design teams to ensure a functional, supportable environment. 

When do I need to request ?

Requests should be submitted as soon as possible. Please allow the integrations team a minimum of 2 to 6 weeks to review your request and assess the integration. The review process could take several months if additional review or requirements are necessary. No tool will be added until it has been fully vetted so there is no guarantee that it will be available for a certain semester. The integration timeline is dependent upon several factors and approval by the integrations teams. Your patience is appreciated. In general, you should consider submitting your request at least one full semester before you plan to use it in your course. Requests are received year-round, but most tools will only be added to Canvas before the start of a new semester. 

Who pays for an LTI ?

If there is a cost associated with an LTI, then the cost is the responsibility of the user or the department making the request. Some tools with a campus-wide impact may receive consideration for central funding. 

Who supports an LTI ?

Campus-wide approved LTI tools are supported by IT/Innovative Learning Center. For all other LTI support, the LTI requestor/owner or the vendor may need to be contacted. If you are unsure and require support, please create a ticket at with the details of the issue. 

Will an approved LTI remain available ?

The integrations team will review LTIs every two years. LTIs with no to minimal use during the review may be removed from the approved list. For free LTI tools, any changes in cost will require a review of the LTI. 

When will I be notified about the status of my LTI request ?

As soon as an LTI passes the review process, you will be notified by email that it has been approved. If your LTI is not approved or requires additional information, then you will be notified of the reasons that the LTI was not approved and alternate options will be offered (if applicable). 

How will my integration appear in my course ?

The appearance of the integration depends upon the vendor’s configuration. In some cases, integrations will populate the left-hand navigation in your Canvas course. Other integrations may occur within the assignment area or on the Modules screen. In other cases, LTI integrations will show up in the list of External Tools when creating an assignment. The LTI integration vendor should be able to tell you where to look for your integration within Canvas. The integrations team can also provide this information.

How can I hide integrations I don’t use ?

Integrations that are enabled institution-wide (like Respondus Lockdown Browser) show up in the navigation by default, but can be hidden in the Settings / Navigation area of your Canvas course.

Who do I contact with more questions ?

If you have additional questions or need connect your vendor with the integrations team, then please send an email to the team at Please allow 1-3 business days for a response. Thank you.